Course evaluations are part of International Biblical College Jerusalem’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. They provide students an opportunity to make their voices heard about how to improve course content and design, teaching effectiveness, and create better learning environments for our students.
Advantages of the new course evaluation system:
For Students:
- It’s easy, convenient, secure, confidential, and students have 24/7 access to complete their course evaluations during the evaluation period.
- Students that complete all their course evaluations by the due date automatically participate in the “Early Grade View Incentive” program and may view their final grades 1 week early!
- Courses with only one student enrolled will not be provided a college course evaluation to protect the anonymity of the students.
- Course evaluations are tailored by faculty members to your specific course for your direct feedback.
For Faculty:
- Faculty members may tailor the course evaluation by adding two questions for each course.
- Faculty members receive course evaluation reports only two weeks after the course grades are due.
- Course evaluation reports are easily accessible and may be saved as a PDF.
- Student responses are more thoughtful and comprehensive.
- The students have more time to provide feedback about what was most useful in achieving the course learning objectives and make specific suggestions on how to improve the course.